Stress! Go away!

We all experience stress in our lives. How do we cope with it, and can we change this, or how can we change this?
Stress can come in many different forms and can affect us all differently. It can affect our mind, body, and soul. In our lives, we have many roles to fulfill like the role of being a partner, friend, co-worker, child, brother, sister, mother, father, etc. We try to be the best version of ourselves and would oftentimes like to give 100% to what we do and in our daily roles and tasks. This can cause stress in our daily lives.
Things we can do to cope with our daily tasks are;
- Balance tasks
- Plan what tasks you need to accomplish and tackle those tasks first. Plan other tasks that are not a priority later. That way “as life tends to do”, something else comes up and you do not have time for that task. It is okay.
- Ask for help
- It is okay to ask for help. You will get the task done faster and it can also be more fun to complete a task with someone else.
- Exercise
- Exercise can free chemicals like endorphins and serotonin that make you feel good and happier. It can clear your mind and can give you more energy. It can help to distract from negative thinking.
- Eat Healthy
- This can provide you with more energy and can boost your mood. Studies suggest that a diet high in refined sugars can worsen symptoms of a mood disorder such as depression (MD, 2022). Eating healthy can help with your mental health symptoms.
- Get enough sleep
- Sleep helps us recharge our mind and body for the following day. Not enough sleep can affect our mood. Recommended is to sleep 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night (Stress and sleep N.D.). This will provide us with enough energy for the following day, boost our mood, and clear our minds.
- Meditate, practice deep breathing
- Meditation and deep breathing can relax your body and mind. Meditation has emotional and physical benefits that can release everyday stressors (A beginner’s guide to meditation 2022).
- Schedule daily me-time
- It is important to take good care of our mind, body, and soul. If we take care of ourselves, then we can take care of others. We will feel more relaxed once we do. Schedule something during your day that is only for you. What gives you energy and makes you feel good.
Matthew 6:34: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
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